Blackline tray with SilwyReady®
Blackline tray with SilwyReady®
Centraliapark 42
59329 Wadersloh
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Our tray is SilwyReady® - perfect for placing Silwy glasses and other accessories safely and without slipping. It has two high-quality metal handles for easy handling and stability. If you want to attach the tray flexibly, you can purchase and use the Silwy Magnet Powerbundle from Silwy instead of the included felt pads. The recesses in the tray are specially designed to attach the bundle securely. Our tray combines practical versatility with modern design - ideal for your Silwy products!
Dimensions: 390mm x 285mm x 30mm
Material: high-quality HDV in black - with protective coating and genuine leather insert, compatible with all Silwy glasses (suitable for magnets)
Scope of delivery: Blackline tray with SilwyReady® (without glasses or the Silwy Magnet Powerbundle) with 4 felt pads